(HAVEN'T/HASN'T)(done) FOR (five years)   (5年)間、~していない

HOME>Word Master®>(HAVEN'T/HASN'T)(done) FOR (five years)   (5年)間、~していない

Here we are in the middle of the week already. Some people call this day "the hump", because the middle of the week -- like the middle of a hump (or hill) -- often seems the most difficult part of the "journey" to the weekend.

If you aren't one of those who love what they do, then we hope our Wednesday WordMasters help you get "over the hump" more easily.

To say that you haven't done something for 8 days, two months, etc., means that the last time you did something was 8 days ago, two months ago, etc.

haven't done for 8 days, two months, etc.は、最後にそのことをしたのが、8日前、2ヶ月前(など)だ、という意味です。

1.I haven't been back home for three years. I miss all my old friends.
2.Tokyo hasn't had a really big earthquake for almost 70 years now. 
Goodbye for now!