COMPANY (= visitors)   訪問客、一緒にいること

HOME>Word Master®>COMPANY (= visitors)   訪問客、一緒にいること

Well, this is it: the last day of August. The summer went by quickly, didn't it? Now we can begin to look forward to the slowly cooling temperatures, the freshening and clearing of the air, and the deep, rich smells and colors of autumn.

Enjoy your Friday WordMaster!

Company can mean one or more visitors, especially to a home. 

To say that we "enjoy a person's company" means that we like to be with that person.

company は、訪問者、特に、家に来る客のことをさします。

誰かと一緒にいるのが好き、という意味で、enjoy a person's company と言うこともできます。
1.We had company over for dinner last night.
2.(on the phone)
I'd better hang up now. I'm expecting company soon.
3.(dropping by a neighbor's home unexpectedly)
a:Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't know you had company.
b:That's alright. Come in and let me introduce you to some friends of mine.
4.I really enjoy Chris' company. He always makes me laugh.
Have a fabulous last weekend of summer 2001!!