ENJOY (your)SELF   楽しむ

HOME>Word Master®>ENJOY (your)SELF   楽しむ

It's almost time to say goodbye to you for another week. As always, thanks for your interest and enthusiasm. You make creating the daily WordMaster a real pleasure. Here's the final WordMaster for this lovely week in mid-October!

To enjoy yourself is to experience pleasure or have fun.

enjoy yourself は、楽しい経験をする、愉快に時を過ごす、という意味です。
1.a:Are you enjoying yourself, Tom?
b:Yes, it's a great party. Thanks for inviting me.
2.You study too hard. Why don't you come out with us tonight and enjoy yourself?
3.I really enjoyed myself tonight. Let's get together again very soon.
4.Terry never seems to enjoy herself in a group. She's uncomfortable meeting new people.
Enjoy yourself this weekend!

今日の WordMaster はいかがでしたか。同じカテゴリーの言葉をもっとご覧になりたい方はこちらまで:Common Phrases