Movie Talk (2): "The movie was great!"

HOME>Word Master®>Movie Talk (2): "The movie was great!" 「映画はすごくよかった!」

It's lovely to be here with you again! The month is really flying by, isn't it? Do you remember the promise we made to you last month? We said we wouldn't mention a certain holiday until it was December. Well, it's December, so there's no need to keep quiet any longer, right? ... So, (clearing of throat) ... here goes ... There - are - just -twenty days - to CHRIST-MAAAAAAAS!!!!! Oh, that felt good ... 

Here are some commonly used, general expressions for answering the question "How was the movie?":

How was the movie?(映画はどうでしたか)という質問に対する一般的な答えをいくつかあげてみました。

(when the movie was good) よかった場合
  •  (I thought) it was good/great/fun/very exciting/wonderful/etc.
  •  I really liked/enjoyed it.  
  •  I loved it!

(when the movie was not so good)  あまりよくなかった場合

  •  It wasn't very good.  
  •  (I thought) it was boring. 
  • I was disappointed. 

(Be careful: When you want to say 映画はおもしろかった, don't say it was "interesting". Use one of the expressions for "good" movies above.)
* See the 9 September 2000 WordMaster, "FUN vs INTERESTING". 

注意: [映画はおもしろかった。」と言いたいときに、interesting という言葉は普通使いません。上記の表現の中からふさわしいものを選んでください。
* 2000/9/9のWordMaster"FUN vs INTERESTING" 参照

Take care!

今日の WordMaster はいかがでしたか。同じカテゴリーの言葉をもっとご覧になりたい方はこちらまで:Useful Expressions