HAVE A GOOD DAY!   がんばってね。(直訳: よい一日を)

HOME>Word Master®>HAVE A GOOD DAY!   がんばってね。(直訳: よい一日を)

Welcome back from the weekend! We know that many of you took Friday off and had a four-day weekend to celebrate the coming of spring. We sure hope the weather and the good times were everything you wanted them to be.

We're beginning another week of "Parent Talk" at Berlitz WordMaster. We're glad you could join us! 

Child:     Bye, Mom!
Mother:  Bye. Have a good day at school!


One common way of saying goodbye to a child leaving for school is to say, Have a good day at school! If you are saying goodbye to someone leaving for the office, you can say, Have a good day at work! Or, in either case, you can simply say, Have a good day!

子供が学校に行くときには < Have a good day at school!> と言って送り出すことがよくあります。仕事に出かける人に対しては Have a good day at work! と言うことができます。どちらに対しても簡単に Have a good day! と言うこともできます。

Have a good day! (You knew we'd say that, didn't you?!)

今日の WordMaster はいかがでしたか。同じカテゴリーの言葉をもっとご覧になりたい方はこちらまで:Useful Expressions