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For Life

It's been three days since we were in touch last, and we have so much to tell you! So with your permission, we'd like to write to you each day this week. But don't worry - there's no need to write back. It's enough to know that you'll be reading our letters. We hope that with each trip to the mailbox you'll find something both useful and enjoyable!

Today's Lesson
REPLY   返信する、返信


  • To reply to a letter, email, or other written message is to write back (or call, etc.) in answer.

    The answer itself is called a reply.
  • reply とは、手紙やEメールなどの書面でのメッセージに対して、答えとして返事を書く(もしくは電話をしたりする)、ということです。

    この返事のことを、 reply と言います。


  1. I apologize for not replying to your email sooner. I've just returned from a business trip.
  2. (a customer-service department)
    We try to reply to written complaints within ten business days.
  3. I put a classified ad in the newspaper, but I only got a few replies.
  4. I've been trying to contact them all week, but there's been no reply.

英会話レッスンYours sincerely,

The WordMaster Team