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For Life

When all the work is done, here's one of the things that make the holidays so sweet!

Today's LessonCATEGORY: イディオム


  • Time off is a period of time when you don't have to do your usual work, studies, etc.
  • time off とは、普段の仕事や勉強をしなくていい期間のことです。


  1. a: I'm really looking forward to some time off.
    b: Me too. We get five days off over the Christmas and New Year's holidays. How about you?
  2. (employee to supervisor)
    My brother is getting married in Florida in February, and I'd like to take some time off to go to the wedding.
  3. Our son Masahiro has agreed to take some time off from baseball while he studies for his high school entrance exams.
  4. How much paid time off does your company give you?

英会話レッスンWe'll be bringing you a Challenge Test tomorrow - the last one before the holidays!