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2006.02.21(Review of 2005.02.21 edition)

Business can sometimes seem like a romance - you take your clients to dinner, buy them gifts, send them carefully written letters, even call them on their birthdays! So it's no surprise that today's WordMaster@Work is used both when talking about business and love!

Today's Lesson
WOO   口説く、言い寄る


  • To woo someone is to try to please them in order to get something you want; for example, their love, their vote, or their business.
  • woo とは、自分が欲しいもの(たとえば愛情や、選挙の票、仕事)を得るために、誰かを喜ばせようとする、ということです。


  1. We've been aggressively wooing them for years, hoping that eventually they'll agree to a merger.
  2. The new company has launched an expensive TV advertising campaign to try to woo customers away from their more-established competitors.
  3. In order to woo voters, the politician made some promises he couldn't possibly keep.
  4. The playboy used his charm and wealth to successfully woo the young actress. Their engagement was announced earlier today.

英会話レッスンMay the day bring you your heart's desire!