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2006.09.05(Review of 2004.11.02 edition)

Nobody likes to hear bad news. And when the news involves a company in which you have a vested interest, nobody likes to reveal such news either. So when bad things do occur, what can a company do? Well, here's one approach ...

Today's Lesson


  • To downplay something is to make it seem less important or damaging than it really is.
  • downplay は、ある事柄を実際の価値より低く見たり、おとしめたりする、という意味です。


  1. (newscaster)
    Today, Prometheus Aerospace admitted having downplayed safety defects in their popular line of small aircraft in order to avoid a costly recall.
  2. REPORTER: Is it true that your company downplayed the dangerous working conditions at its Baltimore plant?
    PR OFFICER: We did not see the need to advertise the situation. Certainly the workers were aware of the dangers they faced.
  3. I will not downplay this crisis. We must give the shareholders an honest appraisal of our current financial troubles.

英会話レッスンRemember, honesty is always the best policy!