
HOME > WordMaster® > POINT-BLANK | 単刀直入な(に)、率直な(に)

2006.09.07(Review of 2004.10.14 edition)


Here's another way to describe straight talk. Deciding whether this is the right or wrong approach for a given situation can be a considerable challenge!

Today's Lesson
POINT-BLANK   単刀直入な(に)、率直な(に)


  • To say something point-blank is to say it very directly, without any attempt to soften the message.
  • point-blank は、遠まわしな言い方をせず、非常に直接的に物事を言う様子のことです。


  1. a: He told me point-blank that he thought I was incompetent.
    b: Yes, he can be awfully direct at times.
  2. You can waste your time wondering whether the boss intends to fire you, or you can just ask him point-blank.
  3. Sometimes it's best to just refuse an offer point-blank.

英会話レッスンSpeaking of considerable challenges, please do consider joining us again tomorrow for the @Work Challenge!