BODY LANGUAGEの意味、ボデイーランゲージ

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2006.10.17(Review of 2004.09.16 edition)

Here's one reason why face-to-face meetings can be so revealing!

Today's Lesson
BODY LANGUAGE   ボデイーランゲージ


  • Body language is what we call the positions or movements of your face and body that show another person how you are feeling.
  • body language は、表情や身振りなどで相手に自分の感情を伝える状態・動作のことです。


  1. I could tell from his body language - especially the look in his eyes - that he was lying.
  2. The customer's body language was telling me that she wasn't interested in the food processor, so I showed her some of our other products.
  3. (employee in HR)
    I pay careful attention to a candidate's body language during interviews. I look for people whose body language communicates confidence and sincerity.
  4. To be an effective negotiator, it helps if you can read people's body language.

英会話レッスンHave a great day!