SLUMP (v.) (n.)の意味、急落する、急落、不調

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2007.03.07(Review of 2004.11.18 edition)

Here's a word to describe the “valley of darkness” in the business world!

Today's LessonCATEGORY: 間違いやすいボキャブラリー
SLUMP (v.) (n.)   急落する、急落、不調


  • To slump (verb) is to fall or decrease quickly.

    A slump (noun) is a significant decline in sales, price, performance, the overall economy or a particular industry, etc.

    Be Careful! Although the verb slump is similar in meaning to “plummet”, it doesn't sound quite as strong.
  • 動詞の slump は、急速に下落、減少する、という意味です。

    名詞の slump は、売り上げや価格、業績、経済全般、特定の業種などの大幅な落ち込みのことです。

    注意:動詞の slump と plummet は、同様の意味ですが、plummet の方が強い印象を与えます。


  1. Production slumped in the second and third quarters, but rose to normal levels by the end of the year.
  2. (fictional news report)
    The enormous success of director Maximilian Berlitz's new movie should help boost Hollywood's slumping box office.
  3. (a real-estate agent)
    I'll be honest with you - the current slump in the housing market makes this a bad time to sell.
  4. (car dealership manager to one of his salespeople)
    a: I'm afraid I'm going to have to let you go, Mr. Kondo. You haven't sold a car in two months.
    b: Please give me another chance, sir. I'm just in a bit of a slump right now.
  5. After the bubble burst, Japan went into a decade-long economic slump.
  6. The industry has clearly pulled out of its slump and is on track for strong long-term growth.

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