PRICE GOUGEの意味、価格を吊り上げる

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2007.04.18(Review of 2004.03.16 edition)

The free market system is driven by the law of supply and demand. Some people might argue, however, that there are situations when a truly ethical business should practice restraint and charge less than the market allows. Without such restraint, here's what can sometimes happen.

Today's Lesson
PRICE GOUGE   価格を吊り上げる


  • To gouge someone or to price gouge is to charge an unreasonable amount of money for a product or service.
  • gouge someone、または price gouge とは、商品やサービスの対価として不当な金額を請求する、過度に価格を吊り上げる、という意味です。


  1. I think it's ridiculous to justify the sale and distribution of counterfeit and pirated CDs by claiming that the record industry has been gouging the public for years.
  2. I thought I was saving money by buying the guitar on the Internet, until I was gouged on the shipping.
  3. Some of the stores that managed to survive the hurricane were caught price gouging. One store was selling bottled water for $50 a liter!

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