AVOID、. EVADE (taxes)の意味、節税対策をする、. 脱税する

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2007.05.09(Review of 2004.02.17 edition)

Here's a pair of words that none of us can afford to confuse!

Today's LessonCATEGORY: 混同しやすい言葉
AVOID vs. EVADE (taxes)   節税対策をする vs. 脱税する


  • To avoid taxes is to reduce the amount of tax you owe the government by using legal means.

    To evade taxes is to reduce the amount of tax you owe the government by using illegal means.

    The crime of deliberately evading taxes is called tax evasion.
  • avoid taxes は、合法的な手段を用いて、政府に納付すべき税金の額を少なくする、という意味です。

    evade taxes は、違法な手段を用いて、政府に納付すべき税金の額を少なくする、という意味です。

    故意に、違法な手段で税金を少なく抑える犯罪、脱税のことを、tax evasion と言います。

AVOID vs. EVADE (taxes)


  1. (client to accountant)
    I've recently received a large inheritance, and naturally I'd like to avoid paying any unnecessary taxes.
  2. Sometimes there is only a fine line between avoiding and evading taxes, so a good tax accountant can be crucial.
  3. a: What did he go to prison for?
    b: Tax evasion. He didn't report all of his business income.

英会話レッスンSee you tomorrow!