PRESIDE OVERの意味、司会する、統轄する

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2007.10.11(Review of 2004.07.20 edition)

Hello, and welcome to the third and last session of the WordMaster@Work Annual Meeting. Now if everyone would please be seated, the CEO has some things to say that we think you're going to find very interesting!

Today's LessonCATEGORY: イディオムCATEGORY: 間違いやすいボキャブラリー
PRESIDE OVER   司会する、統轄する


  • To preside over something - for example, a meeting, ceremony, trial, or organization - is to be in charge of it.

    Be Careful! This word sounds quite formal. In casual conversation, use an expression such as “be in charge of” or “chair”.
  • preside over は、会議や式典、裁判、または組織などに責任を持つ、つまり、司会する、統轄する、という意味です。

    注意:この表現は、とてもあらたまった印象を与えます。日常会話では、be in charge of や chair などの表現を使うとよいでしょう。



  1. One of the duties of the Board Chair is to preside over meetings of the Board of Directors.
  2. The groundbreaking of their new headquarters in Jakarta will take place next Friday, and the CEO is flying in to preside over the ceremony.
  3. (an article in the Corporate Constitution)
    The vice president shall preside over the organization in the absence of the president.

英会話レッスンIt's a Challenge Friday tomorrow. We'll be looking for you!