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2008.02.19(Review of 2006.06.20 edition)

Some things are definitely NOT what they seem!

Today's Lesson
FRAUD   詐欺


  • Fraud is the crime of deceiving someone in order to obtain money or something else of value.

    Something is fraudulent if it is meant to deceive someone.
  • fraud とは、金銭やその他の高価なものを得る目的で、人をだます犯罪、つまり、詐欺のことです。

    fraudulent とは、人をだます意図をもっている、詐欺的な、不正な、という意味です。



  1. With millions of online purchases being made every day, businesses have taken aggressive steps to guard against credit card fraud.
  2. When it comes to taxes, the line between negligence and fraud is not always clear.
  3. (insurance company spokesperson)
    We estimate that we lose two to three million dollars a year due to fraudulent insurance claims.
  4. The researcher ended his career in disgrace after it was discovered that his data was fraudulent.

英会話レッスンWe wish you a day filled with success - honestly gained, of course!