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2008.04.21(Review of 2004.08.23 edition)


Doing the right thing isn't always easy. Of course, we all make mistakes when traveling abroad, but even back home, there can be days when our judgment just isn't on target. One thing is for certain, however: you simply cannot go wrong by learning how to use today's @Work topic!

Today's Lesson


  • If something is appropriate, it is right or acceptable for the situation.

    If something is inappropriate, it is NOT appropriate.
  • appropriate は、適正な、状況にふさわしい、という意味です。

    inappropriate は、適切でない、という意味です。



  1. (on his first business trip to Japan)
    Would it be appropriate to bow when we first meet, or should I just shake hands?
  2. The company will take appropriate action against any employee who fails to maintain confidentiality of client records. Most likely, the employee would be immediately terminated (= fired).
  3. I couldn't believe that applicant used my first name in the interview. I think that's totally inappropriate.
  4. (supervisor to employee)
    Don't you think this is a rather inappropriate time to ask for a raise? This is supposed to be a party.

英会話レッスンGood luck today!