HOME > WordMaster® > COPYRIGHT | 著作権、著作権を取得する


The symbol for today's @Work topic is the letter “c” placed inside a circle. And placed next to a popular or important piece of work, this symbol can represent a gold mine for the owner!

Today's Lesson
COPYRIGHT   著作権、著作権を取得する


  • A copyright (noun) is the legal right to use (i.e., publish, perform, etc.) a piece of writing, music, or other work, as well as to decide who else can use it and how.

    To copyright (verb) a work is to get the copyright for it.
  • copyright(名詞)は、文章や音楽、その他作品の一部を使用する(出版したり、演奏したりする)法律上の権利、つまり、著作権のことです。また、誰がどのように使用するかを決定する権利のことでもあります。




  1. You need to get permission from the person who owns the copyright if you want to use that song in your advertising.
  2. In the United States and the European Union, unpublished manuscripts are protected by copyright until 70 years after the author's death.
  3. The copyright on this photograph is going to expire in six months. So if we wait, we can use it on the cover of our new company brochure without having to pay royalties.
  4. There's a woman in our legal affairs department who specializes in copyright law.
  5. This CD-ROM contains over 10,000 pieces of copyright-free clip art.
  6. Her slogan is being used on T-shirts, billboards, in pop music - all over the place. If only she had thought to copyright it, she'd be a rich woman by now.

英会話レッスンEnjoy the day!