SUBJECT LINEの意味、(Eメールの)件名

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2008.11.11(Review of 2005.03.07 edition)

What better subject for a WordMaster edition than “subject” itself?

Today's Lesson
SUBJECT LINE   (Eメールの)件名


  • The subject line is the title of an e-mail, which you usually see next to the name of the sender when a message arrives in the inbox.
  • subject line とは、Eメールに付いている件名のことです。通常、メールを受信したときに、差出人名の横に表示されます。



  1. The subject line of the e-mail version of today's WordMaster@Work is “@Work : - SUBJECT LINE -”.
  2. (to applicant for position at a direct marketing firm)
    We're looking for someone who can write subject lines that grab the recipient's attention.
  3. I got an e-mail yesterday with the subject line “Congratulations! You're a winner!” But when I opened it, it was just an ad for cheap pharmaceutical products.
  4. (receiving a suspicious e-mail)
    The sender seems to be a credit card company, but the subject line is blank.

英会話レッスンSee you in the inbox!