HOME > WordMaster® > CHANGE(n.)| 硬貨、くずしたお金、おつり

For Life
2009.11.17 (Review of 2002.06.03 edition)

Hear the sweet jingling in your pocket? Feel the satisfying heft of the shiny nickel, bronze, and brass? Why is it that coins aren't worth more than the mere paper we call bills?

Today's Lesson
CHANGE (n.)   硬貨、くずしたお金、おつり


  • Change (noun) is coins (not bills).

    Change is also money (coins or bills) in smaller units traded for money in larger units. Change for a 5000-yen bill could be, for example, five 1000-yen bills.

    Change is also used to mean the difference between what you pay for something and what it costs. For example, if you pay 500 yen for a 160-yen train ticket, your change is 340 yen.
  • 名詞の change は、(紙幣ではなく)硬貨のことです。

    また、(硬貨でも紙幣でも)大きな単位から小さな単位に替えたお金、つまり、くずしたお金、という意味もあります。例えば、千円札5枚は5千円札の change です。

    change はまた、ものの値段と自分が払った金額との差額、つまり、おつり、という意味もあります。例えば、160円の切符を買うときに500円出したら、change は340円です。



  1. I broke open my piggy bank yesterday, counted all the change, and found out that I had saved exactly $245.63!
  2. a: Do you have change for a dollar? I need to make a phone call.
    b: Sure. Are four quarters all right?
  3. (to passenger trying to pay bus fare with a 10,000-yen bill)
    DRIVER: I'm sorry, but I can't make change for large bills.
  4. (after paying $20 for a $6 item and only getting $4 back)
    I think this is the wrong change. I gave you a twenty.

英会話レッスンSee you tomorrow!