STAMP、SEAL の意味、スタンプ、印、スタンプを押す、印

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Here's an edition that's earned the WordMaster Seal of Approval!

Today's Lesson


  • A stamp (noun) is a tool that you press onto an object in order to put an ink mark - such as a design, name, or other words - on the object. It's also the mark made by such a tool.
    To stamp (verb) an object is to put a mark on an object using a stamp.
    A stamp pad is a thick piece of soft material soaked with ink that's used to put ink on a stamp.
    A seal is an official mark or “signature” that is stamped on important documents to show that they're legal or have been approved.
  • 名詞の stamp は、ある物にデザインや名前、他の言葉などのしるしをインクで付けるために、物に押し付ける道具、つまりスタンプ、印のことです。また、そのような道具によって付けられたしるしのこともさします。
    動詞の stamp は、スタンプを使って物にしるしを付ける、つまり、スタンプを押す、という意味です。
    stamp pad は、スタンプにインクを付けるために使う、インクを含ませた柔らかい素材、つまり、スタンプ台のことです。
    seal は、重要な文書が法的なもの、または承認されたものであることを証明するために、文書に押される公式の標章やサインのことです。



  1. (one clerk to another)
    Have you seen the date stamp? I need to process these new applications that just came in.
  2. The man at Immigration forgot to stamp my passport.
  3. Make sure you put the word DRAFT in red ink on the front cover of each report. I'll give you a rubber stamp and a stamp pad to use.
  4. In Japan, businesspeople usually sign documents with a personal seal instead of a signature.
  5. He has a framed copy of his MBA diploma stamped with the university seal above his desk.

英会話レッスンTake care!