
HOME > WordMaster® > BAN | 禁止する、禁止令

2009.10.28 (Review of 2007.05.29 edition)

If your business is on the receiving end of today's @Work topic, it can be very bad news.

Today's Lesson
BAN   禁止する、禁止令


  • To ban (verb) something, or to ban someone FROM DOING something, is to officially order someone not to do or use it.

    A ban (noun) is a rule of this kind.
  • ban(動詞)は、ban+(ものごと)、あるいは ban+(人)+ FROM DOING +(ものごと)の形で、(人)が何かをしないように、また、何かを使わないように公式に命じる、という意味を表します。




  1. The new regulations ban all fruit imports until the insect infestation has been controlled.
  2. As of last week, the company has banned employees from using company computers to blog or participate in chat rooms.
  3. (fictional news report)
    Two men were arrested yesterday for trying to smuggle banned wildlife products across the border.
  4. It was no surprise that most small businesses supported the proposed ban on superstores within the city limits.
  5. Two out of three workers favor a ban on smoking in the building.

英会話レッスンWe'll keep bringing you your daily WordMaster@Work ... unless someone decides to ban free, quality English-language resources on the Internet!