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Here's a fine profession that comes highly recommended by the entire WordMaster team!

Today's Lesson


  • People in the field of education teach in schools or do related work, such as teacher training, school administration ... and the development of Berlitz WordMaster@Work!
  • education は、学校で教えたり、関連する仕事(教員養成や学校経営、そして Berlitz WordMaster@Work を発展させることなど!)をする分野、つまり、教育のことです。



  1. Jobs in education and healthcare are often said to be recession-proof (= not affected by economic recession).
  2. She's an associate professor of education at Berlitz University.
  3. The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology closely regulates most aspects of Japan's system of education.
  4. By promoting more collaboration between education and industry, the country hopes it can gain a competitive advantage in the global market.

英会話レッスンStay well!