
HOME > WordMaster® > SHIP | 船、輸送する、発送する

2010.02.22(Review of 2007.07.17 edition)

Ahoy there, and a hearty welcome back to Berlitz WordMaster@Work! The SS (= Steamship) WordMaster is about to set sail for exotic ports of call, where the lingua franca is, of course, business English!

This week's theme? “To the Four Corners of the World!”

Today's LessonCATEGORY: 間違いやすいボキャブラリー
SHIP   船、輸送する、発送する


  • A ship (noun) is a large boat for traveling on the sea or other deep water.

    To ship (verb) something is to send it by air, sea, train, or truck.

    Be Careful! We can use the verb ship even when something is sent by plane, train, or truck rather than by boat.
  • 名詞の ship は、海など、深さのある水の上を移動するための大型の船のことです。

    動詞の ship は、航空便や船便、列車、トラックなどで、何かを送る、という意味です。

    注意:動詞の ship は、船ではなく、飛行機や列車、トラックなどで何かを送るときにも使うことができます。



  1. The 230-meter-long ship, carrying 30,000 tons of iron ore, was sailing for Shanghai.
  2. The parts will be shipped from our warehouse in Indiana.
  3. I'm sorry, but we're not able to ship overseas.
  4. All orders are shipped by air (= by plane) within two business days.

英会話レッスンWe expect smooth sailing all the way to Friday!