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2010.03.31 (Review of 2006.04.05 edition)

We're certain that you're going to like today's edition. Really, there's no doubt in our minds whatsoever!

Today's Lesson


  • To be confident (adjective) is to feel sure that you can be successful or that something positive will happen in the way that you expect.

    This quality is called confidence (noun).
  • confident とは、自分がきっとうまくできる、または、何かよいことが期待通りに起こると確信している、つまり、自信がある、という意味です。

    このような資質をさす名詞形は confidence で、自信、という意味になります。



  1. When she left for college, she was nervous and scared. But she came back a strong, confident young woman.
  2. Why don't we have Brian give the presentation? He's a confident speaker, and he's been involved with the project from the start.
  3. (at a job interview)
    I have always been confident in myself and in my ability to handle any challenge.
  4. It's nice to have a new crop (= group) of employees. They're so full of confidence and enthusiasm.
  5. She's very bright, but inexperienced and lacks confidence.
  6. Getting a job offer from such a prestigious firm gave me a lot of confidence.
  7. Consumer confidence (in the economy) is up for the third consecutive quarter.

英会話レッスンWhatever it is that needs to be done today, you can do it!