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A job can be as stimulating, rewarding, varied, and lucrative as you could possibly hope for, but all of that may be of little comfort if layoffs are looming. So here's one final adjective to complete our description of the job made in heaven!

Today's Lesson
STABLE   安定した


  • A job, a government, prices, etc., are stable if they are likely to continue or last.

    The economy, someone's health, etc., is stable if conditions are not likely to get worse.

    The noun form is stability.
  • 仕事、政権、物価などについて stable と言うと、継続あるいは持続しそうである、つまり、安定した、という意味になります。

    経済や人の健康などについて stable と言うと、状況が悪くなりそうにない、という意味になります。

    名詞形は stability で、安定、という意味です。



  1. In this economy, I just feel lucky to have a stable job that pays the bills.
  2. Housing prices have been stable, but are predicted to start rising again later in the summer.
  3. Now that both the government and the economy are more stable, the country is hoping to attract more foreign investment.
  4. a: I just spoke with Andy's wife at the hospital.
    b: How's Andy doing?
    a: His condition is stable, but I don't think he'll be back in the office anytime soon.
  5. There's more job stability in healthcare and education than in most other sectors of the economy.

英会話レッスンSweet dreams this weekend!