AT A LOSS、AT COSTの意味、損をして、原価で

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2010.07.08 (Review of 2008.03.06 edition)

Here's a pair of expressions you'll surely profit from learning, even if they don't put money in your pocket!

Today's Lesson
AT A LOSS / AT COST   損をして/原価で


  • If a product is sold at a loss, the seller loses money on the sale.

    If a product is bought or sold at cost, the seller neither loses money on the sale nor makes a profit.
  • 商品が売られるときに at a loss というと、売り手が損をする、という意味です。

    商品が売買されるときに at cost というと、売り手が損もしなければ利益も得ない、つまり、原価で、という意味です。



  1. The bankrupt business owner had no choice but to sell all remaining inventory to a liquidator at a loss.
  2. As stock prices plummeted, many shareholders panicked and sold off their shares at huge losses.
  3. A friend of mine works at an electronics store, so I was able to buy a high-definition television set at cost.
  4. When we have a sale, we like to advertise a few big items at cost to bring more customers into the store.

英会話レッスンGood job today!