HOME > WordMaster® > GLOBALIZATION | 国際化

2010.08.26 (Review of 2008.01.04 edition)


Today we're thinking bigger than ever, with one of the principal features of big business in the 21st century!

Today's Lesson


  • To globalize is to expand from a local or national scale to an international or worldwide scale.

    The noun form is globalization.
  • globalize とは、地域的または国家的規模から、国際的または世界的規模にまで拡大する、つまり、国際化する、という意味です。

    名詞形は globalization で、国際化、という意味です。



  1. As a result of the merger, the company now has sufficient assets to move toward globalizing its operations.
  2. (university president)
    By offering an online degree program, this university would be able to globalize and stay competitive in the 21st century.
  3. (political candidate)
    I know that many people in this country feel that globalization is a threat to our culture, especially the globalization of food, fashion, and entertainment. But I'm convinced that the benefits of globalization far outweigh the dangers.

英会話レッスンMake the world your oyster!