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Nothing keeps an audience engaged like a few of these. So, if you haven't already, why not check out our Web version, too? The URL is right below today's "Explanation". See you there!

Today's Lesson
VISUAL (AID) / HANDOUT   視覚教材/配布資料


  • A visual aid - also called a visual - is a picture, chart, video, etc., that you use to help people understand or remember something; for example, during a presentation.

    A handout is a document you give to the people attending a presentation, class, etc., that contains information about the subject you're discussing.
  • visual aidvisual とも言います)は、例えばプレゼンテーションの中で、聞き手の理解や記憶を助けるために使う、写真や図表、映像などの、視覚教材のことです。

    handout は、プレゼンテーションや授業などに出席している人に配る書類のことで、これには、検討する話題に関する情報が含まれています。



  1. (conference organizer to speaker)
    Let me know if you're using any visual aids so that I can set up any equipment you might need.
  2. You should probably include some more visuals in your presentation. Otherwise, I think people are going to lose interest fast.
  3. I've passed out a handout listing some books and articles for anyone who'd like to learn more about the subject of my talk.
  4. There's a map of our proposed new store locations on the third page of the handout.

英会話レッスンAll the best!