
HOME > WordMaster® > COLLABORATE | 協力する、共同する

2011.11.01  (Review of 2010.07.15 edition)

Here's some more key jargon for your burgeoning business vocabulary!

Today's Lesson
COLLABORATE   協力する、共同する


  • To collaborate with someone is to work together with them for a special purpose, especially a creative purpose.

    The noun form is collaboration.
  • collaborate は、特別な目的、特に創造的な目的のために、誰かと共同で作業する、という意味です。

    名詞形は collaboration で、協力、共同、という意味です。



  1. I've really enjoyed collaborating with you on this project. I hope we'll have another opportunity to work together in the future.
  2. (corporate press release)
    We're excited about collaborating with Berlitz Aviation in developing the next-generation commercial jet engine.
  3. The new performing arts center was a collaboration between the city government and several NGOs who are working to promote the arts.

英会話レッスンNice working with you!