SPREAD TOO THINの意味、一度に多くのことをやろうとする、手を広げすぎる

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You only have one brain and two hands, and there are just so many hours in the day. So when your ambition tempts you to "take it all on," let today's edition be a warning to you!

Today's Lesson CATEGORY: イディオム
SPREAD (YOURSELF) TOO THIN   一度に多くのことをやろうとする、手を広げすぎる


  • To spread yourself too thin or to be spread too thin is to try to do so many things at once that there isn't time to do them all well.
  • spread yourself too thin または be spread too thin は、同時に多くのことをやろうとして、それらすべてのことをうまく行う時間がない、という意味です。



  1. a: I feel overworked and overcommitted.
    b: Well, I told you you were spreading yourself too thin.
  2. Many new businesses make the mistake of trying to expand too rapidly. They end up spreading themselves too thin, start cutting corners, and damage their reputations.
  3. a: Would you have time to organize this year's office Christmas party?
    b: No. I'm sorry, but I'm already spread too thin.

英会話レッスンStay well!