
HOME > WordMaster® > SPONSOR | 出資者、スポンサー、出資する、スポンサーになる

2012.01.17 (Review of 2008.01.08 edition)

Here's a fine example of a win-win arrangement!

Today's Lesson
SPONSOR   出資者、スポンサー、出資する、スポンサーになる


  • A sponsor (noun) is someone who gives money to support a person, organization, or event.

    In advertising, a sponsor is a company that helps pay for an event or a TV or radio broadcast in return for advertising space or time.

    The verb form is also sponsor.
  • sponsor(名詞)は、人や組織、催しなどを援助するために、資金を提供する人のことです。

    広告業界における sponsor とは、広告のための場所や時間と引き換えに、催しやテレビ、ラジオなどの放送にかかる費用を援助する企業のことです。

    動詞形も sponsor で、出資する、スポンサーになる、という意味です。



  1. The heritage society is looking for corporate sponsors to help it save the Old Berlitz Playhouse downtown.
  2. This event would not have been possible without the generous contributions of our sponsors.
  3. (member of a boys' amateur soccer team)
    My dad thinks his company might be willing to sponsor the team next season.
  4. (television announcement)
    This program is sponsored in part by Berlitz Bitz, America's favorite bite-sized snack.

英会話レッスンAnd now for a word from our sponsors ...