
HOME > WordMaster® > ESTIMATE (noun) | 見積もり、概算、見積書


Although today's WordMaster is a kind of guess, it's one that's usually based on facts and experience. So keep that in mind when reading today's edition.

Today's Lesson
ESTIMATE (noun)   見積もり、概算、見積書


  • To estimate (verb) is to make a guess or rough calculation about the amount, size, etc., of something.

    The noun form is also estimate.

    In business, an estimate (noun) can also be a statement to a customer about how much a job will probably cost if they hire you to do it.
  • 動詞の estimate は、何かの金額や数量などについて推測したり、概算したりする、という意味です。

    名詞形も estimate で、見積もり、概算、という意味です。

    ビジネスにおける estimate (名詞)は、自分が雇われて、ある仕事をする場合にかかると思われる費用についての取引先への報告書、つまり、見積書をさすこともあります。



  1. We don't have the exact figures yet, so I can only estimate the cost.
  2. It's hard to estimate how long construction will take because the weather there is so unpredictable.
  3. The Ministry of Trade estimates that as many as 10 million people fall victim to identify theft each year.
  4. The damage to the hotel was estimated at over half a million dollars.
  5. Renovations to the hotel lobby alone will cost an estimated $350,000.
  6. According to our best estimates, nearly 20% of public sector employees plan to retire by age 55.
  7. Can you give me a rough estimate of the monthly cost of living there?
  8. Their estimate for the job exceeded our budget by about 25%.
  9. We got estimates from four contractors and will make a decision by the end of the week.
  10. My total bill was $150 more than the original estimate.

英会話レッスンWhew, ten examples! That might be a record!