Hello.  It's Saturday, it's the summer -- how are you spending the day?
Thanks for spending part of it with us.

Here's today's Berlitz WordMaster.

NOT ANYMORE vs. STILL      もう~ない vs. まだ~である

If you were sick yesterday but aren't sick today, then today you can say, "I'm not sick anymore."

But, if you continue to be sick, then you say, "I'm still sick."

昨日は体調が悪かったけれども、今日はもう元気になっていたとしたら I am not sick anymore.(私はもう病気ではありません。)と言います。
まだ良くなっていなかったら I'm still sick.(私はまだ病気です。)と言います。

1. a: What kind of work do you do?
   b: I don't  work anymore. I'm retired.

2. a: Johnny doesn't love me anymore!
   b: Don't cry Alice, he still loves you.
Enjoy the weekend!