WANT vs. WOULD LIKE (= for requests) 欲しい vs.(できれば)欲しい

HOME>Word Master®>WANT vs. WOULD LIKE (= for requests) 欲しい vs.(できれば)欲しい

It's TGIF again! What great adventures do you have planned for the weekend? We finish our "requests and permission" series today. We hope this week has been useful for you -- and maybe even a little fun.

Enjoy your Friday WordMaster!

To want something is to desire it. 

Would like is a polite form of want.

(Be careful: Use would like unless you are certain it is appropriate to use want; for example, when a teacher talks to his students or a manager to his employees. Want often sounds too straight when making requests.)


would likeは、wantの丁寧な言い方です。

注意:何かを要求するときは、普通would likeを使います。wantは、教師が生徒に話すときや、マネージャーが従業員に話すときなど、あきらかにふさわしい場合を除いては、使わないようにしましょう。wantではストレートになりすぎでしまうことがよくあります。

1. (manager to employee)
   I want 80 copies of this for this afternoon's meeting.

2. (father to son) 
   I want you to listen to me carefully. This is important.

3. (customer to waiter)
   I'd like another cup of coffee, please.

4. (on the phone with hotel Reservations)
   I'd like a twin room for three nights.
Have a fabulous weekend!