PREFECTURE / WARD   都道府県 / 区

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Here we are at the start of another terrific week! What will this week bring you? Hopefully lots of good times and memories that will last. 

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Japan is divided into 47 political units called prefectures; for example, Ibaraki Prefecture, Ishikawa Prefecture, and Aichi Prefecture.

Eastern Tokyo is divided into 23 political units called wards; for example, Shinagawa Ward and Minato Ward. Sapporo, Nagoya, Osaka, and other large cities also have wards.

(Be careful: In English, Hokkaido (北海道), Osaka (大阪府), and Kyoto (京都府) are also called prefectures; but the official name for Tokyo (東京都) is "the Tokyo Metropolis", NOT "Tokyo Prefecture". In daily conversation, however, we usually just say "Tokyo".)

日本は47の行政区(都道府県)に分かれています。その行政単位のことを prefecture といいます。例: Ibaraki Prefecture (茨城県)、 Ishikawa Prefecture (石川県)、Aichi Prefecture (愛知県)

東京都には23の区があります。区のことを ward といいます。例: Shinagawa Ward (品川区)、Minato Ward (港区) 
札幌や名古屋、大阪などの大きな都市にも ward があります。

注意: 英語では、県だけでなく、道、府のことも prefecture と言います。ただし、東京都だけは、Tokyo Prefecture とは呼ばず、the Tokyo Metropolis が正式名称です。日常会話では、単にTokyo と言います。
1.a:Where are you from, Kaori?
b:I was born in Fukuoka Prefecture.
2.Hokkaido is the largest prefecture in Japan.
3.Thousands of Japanese spend their vacation in the islands of Okinawa Prefecture every summer.
4.a:How long have you lived in Fushimi Ward?
b:Ever since I moved to Kyoto ten years ago.
5.My monthly ward tax is 20,000 yen.
Take care!