Nationalities   国籍について言うとき

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The easiest way to talk about a person's nationality is to use the adjective form after the verb BE; for example, "She is French," "His friends are Japanese," etc.

To talk about a person of a particular nationality, it is easiest to simply add the words "man", "woman", "student", "doctor", etc., after the adjective; for example, a British man, Spanish people, the Japanese student, an Indian doctor, etc.

(Be careful: Although we can call an American man" an American", we usually do NOT call a Japanese man "a Japanese". Because of the many exceptional cases such as this, it is safest and easiest to talk about people of all nationalities by following the above rules.)

国籍について言うときの1番やさしい言い方は"be動詞+国名を表す形容詞"です。 例: She is French.(彼女はフランス人です) His friends are Japanese.(彼の友達は日本人です)

特定の国籍の人について言うとき、man、woman、student、doctor などの言葉を、国名を表す形容詞の後に付け加えるのが最も簡単な言い方です。 例: a British manSpanish peoplethe Japanese studentan Indian doctor

注意: an American man (ひとりのアメリカ人)のことを an American と言うことができます。けれども、a Japanese man (ひとりの日本人)のことは、a Japanese とは言いません。このように例外がいろいろあって、個々に覚えるのは大変なので、上記のルールに従って言うのが1番間違いがなく簡単です。
1.a:Is Adam American?
b:No, he's Canadian.
2.Most of the people in my office are Japanese, but there are a few American and Australian employees as well.
3.I enjoy teaching Chinese students. They're always so eager to learn.
4.I met a very interesting Russian woman on my flight to Paris. She's a poet and a painter.
See you here tomorrow!

今日の WordMaster はいかがでしたか。同じカテゴリーの言葉をもっとご覧になりたい方はこちらまで:Common Phrases