
HOME>Word Master®>BARBECUE | バーベキュー、バーベキューグリル、(バーベキューで)焼く

For Life

Hi! How was your weekend? Well, there's no denying it - summer is definitely with us. Did you do anything to celebrate the season? Or did you spend your days shut up in an air-conditioned room, wishing the summer were already over?

Either way, consider today's WordMaster a suggestion for how to spend next weekend.


  • A barbecue is an event, usually outdoors, in which meats are roasted over an open fire often made from charcoal.

    A barbecue is also the piece of equipment used for cooking food at a barbecue. It usually has a basin for holding charcoal and a metal grid on which food is placed over the fire.

    To barbecue food is to cook food in this way.
  • barbecue は、炭などでおこした火で肉を焼くイベントで、通常野外で行われます。

    barbecue は、バーベキューで食べる物を焼くために使う用具という意味もあります。通常、炭を入れる釜と、火の上に食べ物を置く金属の網からできています。

    動詞の barbecue の場合は、この方法で食べ物を調理するという意味です。


  1. We're having a barbecue at the Tama River tomorrow. Would you like to join us?
  2. Backyard barbecues are a popular form of summer entertainment in the U.S.
  3. Why don't you come over for dinner tonight? We can try out the new barbecue I bought for the patio.
  4. How about barbecuing some steaks for dinner?
  5. We had barbecued beef, chicken, and sweet corn at the picnic.

Thanks for your company today!