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For Life

Welcome back from the weekend, and welcome back to another week of "WordMaster in the Kitchen"! Yes, we're giving our theme from last week a second run as we explore even more ways to cook food. 

They say that if a dream takes place in the kitchen, a change is about to occur in your life. We hope this second week of "WordMaster in the Kitchen" will mean a very positive change - in your understanding of the English language!

Today's Lesson
GRILL   (直火で)焼く


  • To grill food is to cook it over (or under) direct heat, such as on a mesh of metal bars over hot coals or over an open flame.

    * Also see the 15 July 2002 WordMaster, "BARBECUE".
  • grill は、直火の上(または下)で食物を調理する、つまり、焼くという意味です。例えば、熱した炭や火の上に金網を置くなどして調理します。

    * 2002年7月15日のWordMaster, "BARBECUE" 参照


  1. I usually grill fish rather than fry it. It's healthier.
  2. Last Sunday afternoon we grilled steaks and corn-on-the- cob at the river.
  3. At our hotel in London, we were served eggs, toast, and grilled sausages every morning.

Now have a terrific day!