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For Life

Thanks for joining us again! Have you come looking for a bag or carrying case of some sort? Then you've come to the right place. We have just the thing for you!

Today's LessonCATEGORY: Japanese English
FANNY PACK   ウエストポーチ


  • A fanny pack is a small bag on a belt that you put around your waist. The bag is often worn behind so that it rests on your "fanny" (= bottom, in AMERICAN English).

    Be careful:
    "Waist pouch" (ウエストポーチ) is Japanese-English and is NOT used to mean fanny pack.
  • fanny pack  は、ウエストにくくりつける形の小さいバッグ、つまり、ウエストポーチのことです。バッグが丁度お尻の上にくる位置に身に付ける場合が多いので、fanny pack  (アメリカ英語では、fanny はお尻の意味) と呼ばれます。

    Waist pouch (ウエストポーチ) は和製英語です。fanny pack  の意味にはなりません。


  1. I always carry my passport, wallet, and digital camera in my fanny pack when I travel. That way they're always handy.
  2. Tammy forgot she was wearing her fanny pack, sat down on it, and broke her sunglasses.
  3. I zipped up my fanny pack put it on, and left the house for the day.

See you on Wednesday!