HOME > WordMaster® > PUT IN (GEAR) | ギアを~に 入れる

For Life

A thousand welcomes to you today! How happy we are to be spending this mid-December week with you! We're going to keep moving ahead with the car theme this week, this time looking at things you DO while in a car. Buckle up and get ready for a nice long drive! It's just you, WordMaster, and the wide open highway!!

Today's Lesson
PUT IN (GEAR)   ギアを~に 入れる


  • To put a vehicle in 1st gear, neutral, reverse, etc. is to change to that gear.
  • put in  1st gear / neutral / reverse / etc. は、車のギアを1速/ニュートラル/バック/など に入れる、という意味です。


  1. You'll have to put the car in 1st gear if you want to make it up this hill.
  2. (to the driver of a car that has just run out of gas)
    Put the car in neutral, and we'll push you to the side of the road.
  3. a: How in the world did you manage to drive the car through the back of the garage?
    b: I thought it was in 1st gear, but I guess I had put it in reverse instead.

It's time to put this edition in park and leave you for another day. See you tomorrow!