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For Life

Thanks for joining us again! We're on holiday this week, drinking margaritas and dancing the samba in a place where the sunsets are like Impressionist paintings. In such a setting, the last thing we want to think about is the time. But, hey, maybe it'll help us to keep track of when the bars close!

Today's Lesson
(LOCAL) TIME   (現地)時間


  • Local time  is the time in a particular part of the world; for example, the time in the place where you are now, the place you are flying to, the place where a radio broadcast is being heard, etc.

    We can also say Japan time, Tokyo time, New York time, etc. to talk about the local time in these places.

    In addition, we use the expression your time  to talk about the time where YOU are and my time  to talk about the time where I am.
  • local time  は、ある特定の場所の標準時のことです。例えば、今いる場所、これから飛行機で行く場所、ラジオの放送が聞える場所、などの個々の場所の時間のことです。

    その場所の名前を付けて、Japan time Tokyo timeNew York time  などと言うこともできます。

    話している相手がいる場所の時間のことを your time自分がいる場所の時間のことを my time  と言うこともできます。


  1. Natsuko's family has two clocks on their living room wall. One shows local time  and the other shows the time in Vancouver, where Natsuko's studying for a year.  
  2. Welcome aboard Flight 233 bound for Honolulu. Skies in Honolulu are clear, and the temperature is a comfortable 24 degrees. The local time  in Honolulu is 4:35 a.m. Our expected arrival time is 7:00. Enjoy the flight!
  3. (calling an international operator)
    CALLER: What's the local time  in Boston right now?
    OPERATOR: Boston is 14 hours behind Tokyo, so right now it's 6:00 p.m.  
  4. Many of the Olympic events in Athens are going to take place late at night Tokyo time, so I'm going to be using my VCR a lot.
  5. I'll call you at 3:30 p.m. your time, alright?

Live life well this week!