HOME > WordMaster® > FINE / ARREST | 罰金(n.) 罰金を科する(v.)/ 逮捕する

For Life

Hello, and welcome to the start of another week of Berlitz WordMaster! We've decided to continue our series on crime, but this week, we're going to talk about the kind of crime even you may have committed: breaking traffic laws while behind the wheel!

Fasten your seatbelts - it's going to be a bumpy ride!

Today's Lesson
FINE / ARREST   罰金(n.) 罰金を科する(v.)/ 逮捕する


  • A fine  is money that a person has to pay as punishment because he broke the law or other rule.

    To fine  a person is to make him pay a fine.

    When the police arrest  a person, they take him to a police station to be held for a time because they believe he committed a crime.
  • fine  は、法律やその他のルールを破った罰として払わなければならないお金、つまり、罰金のことです。

    動詞の fine  は、罰金を科する、という意味です。

    arrest  は、警察が犯罪の容疑者を連行し拘束する、つまり、逮捕する、という意味です。


  1. I had to pay a ¥10,000 fine  for parking in a no-parking zone at the airport.
  2. LIBRARIAN: You already owe us $75 in fines  for overdue books. You'll have to pay those fines  first before you can take any more books out of this library.
  3. In that country there is a maximum fine  of $5000 for selling pirated software, but the people who do it are making 10 times that amount every year. Fines  have to be made heavier (= more expensive).
  4. a: I was fined  $50 for littering while I was in Singapore.
    b: You're lucky they didn't arrest  you!
  5. TV NEWS ANCHORMAN: Three men were arrested  last night for robbing the Pushover Bank. This is the 5th time the bank has been robbed this year.  

Don't get into any trouble while we're gone!