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For Life

Greetings! We appreciate your coming back, especially given the punishment you've been having to endure this week. But we're warning you, it's only going to get worse!

Today's Lesson
BRUISE   あざをつくる、あざ


  • You bruise a part of your body when it is hit by something hard, causing bleeding beneath the surface of the skin so that the area appears blue, purple, or otherwise darkish in color.

    The darkish area is called a bruise.
  • bruise は、体の一部を何かに強くぶつけたときに、皮下出血し、その部分が青くなったり紫になったり濃い色になったりする――つまり、あざをつくる、という意味です。

    名詞の bruise は、皮膚が濃い色になった部分、つまり、あざ、という意味です。


  1. I bruised my heel on a rock while running barefoot at the beach.
  2. Billy got into a fight at school. When he got home, the whole left side of his face was badly bruised.
  3. The driver climbed out of the wrecked car covered in cuts and bruises, but he was just glad to be alive.
  4. a: How did you get that bad bruise on your leg?
    b: I fell while snowboarding. I get bruised all the time when I go snowboarding.

英会話レッスンTake care!