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For Life

Here's a great way to dress up a leg - especially nice during the cold days of December. Think of it as a very long sock!

Today's LessonCATEGORY: ジャパニーズイングリッシュCATEGORY: 間違いやすいボキャブラリー
PANTYHOSE / NYLONS   パンティストッキング


  • Pantyhose are worn by women and cover the lower half of the body below the waist, including the legs. They are made of thin material that fits closely to the skin.

    When pantyhose are made of nylon, they are sometimes called nylons (always plural).

    Be Careful[1]! Never put an “-s” at the end of pantyhose, even when talking about several pieces of clothing. Also, even when talking about only ONE piece of clothing, we say “THOSE pantyhose”, not “THAT pantyhose”; “SOME pantyhose”, not “A pantyhose”, etc.

    Be Careful[2]! In the United States, the expression “panty stocking”, like the Japanese パンティストッキング, is much less commonly used than pantyhose.
  • pantyhose とは、腰から下、足までを覆う女性用の衣料品のことです。肌にぴったりと密着する薄い生地でできています。

    pantyhose がナイロン製の場合は、nylons と呼ばれることもあります。(この場合は、必ず複数形にします。)

    注意[1]:数足の場合でも、pantyhose の後ろに、-s をつけることはありません。また、一足のストッキングでも、THAT pantyhose ではなく THOSE pantyhose、A pantyhose ではなく SOME pantyhose などと言います。

    注意[2]:アメリカでは、日本で言う panty stocking「パンティストッキング」よりも pantyhose を頻繁に使います。


  1. Many professional women wear a suit with a skirt and pantyhose to the office.
  2. (a salesperson in a department store)
    All the pantyhose on that shelf are on sale.
  3. You should buy a new pair of pantyhose. Those have a run (= a hole) in them.
  4. I'm going to put on some nylons. My legs are cold.

英会話レッスンTake care - of yourself AND your legs!