BULLET TRAINの意味、新幹線(超特急)

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2005.07.12(Review of 2004.03.11 edition)

Safer than airplanes, more comfortable than driving, and FAST! This mode of transportation has everything!

Today's LessonCATEGORY: 間違えやすいボキャブラリー
BULLET TRAIN   新幹線(超特急)


  • The bullet train is any one of the high-speed passenger trains in Japan, many of which can travel at up to 300 kilometers per hour.

    Be Careful! The expression bullet train is not usually used to talk about the French TGV, the German ICE, or other high-speed passenger trains developed in other countries.
  • bullet train は、最高時速300キロで走行可能な日本の高速旅客列車です。つまり、新幹線のことです。

    注意:フランスのTGVやドイツのICE、ほかの国で開発された高速旅客列車を bullet train と呼ぶことは普通ありません。


  1. I have to go to Fukuoka on business. Do you think I should fly or take the bullet train?
  2. a: Are you going to drive?
    b: No. We're going on the bullet train.
  3. (an American just back from Japan)
    I was surprised how fast and convenient the bullet trains were. We really need something like that here in the U.S.

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