
HOME > WordMaster® > SCHMOOZE | おしゃべりする

2006.02.20(Review of 2004.11.11 edition)

Hello! It's good to see you again!

It has often been said that “the pen is mightier than the sword.” This is just a fancy way of saying that, if you want real power, nothing beats the written or spoken word. This week we'll show you some of the wonders you can do when you have the right words in your arsenal!

Today's LessonCATEGORY: 間違えやすいボキャブラリー
SCHMOOZE   おしゃべりする


  • To schmooze means to have a relaxed, friendly, casual conversation, often to gain some personal advantage.

    Be Careful! Schmooze is an informal word that's usually not appropriate to use in formal business situations.
  • schmooze は、くつろいだ、親しげな、くだけた会話のことで、それはしばしば個人的なメリットを得るためのものです。

    注意:schmooze は俗語なので、通常、正式な仕事の場面にはふさわしくありません。


  1. a: Why is Mike playing golf today? I thought he hated golf.
    b: He does, but the president of Berlitz Bank will be there. Mike never misses a chance to schmooze with a client.
  2. a: How did the party go?
    b: Well, I did my best to schmooze with the human resources staff. I just hope they remember my name when I apply for a job!
  3. a: Where's Oliver?
    b: He's over there, schmoozing the president.

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