TALK INTO、TALK OUT OFの意味、説得して~させる、説得して~するのを思いとどまらせる

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2006.02.22(Review of 2003.09.11 edition)

Back when we lived in caves, hitting someone on the head with a club may have been an acceptable means of persuasion. Thankfully, times have changed, and the club has been replaced by dialog ... and some memorable advertising copy!

Today's Lesson


  • To talk someone into something is to persuade them to do something.

    To talk someone out of something is to persuade them NOT to do something.
  • talk into は、人を説得して、それをさせるようにする、という意味です。

    talk out of は、人を説得して、それをするのを思いとどまらせる、という意味です。


  1. a: Did John really get them to agree to give us a 30% discount?
    b: Yes. I don't know how he managed to talk them into it.
  2. My financial advisor talked me into buying stock in his brother's company, and I've regretted it ever since.
  3. a: I thought you were going to move to Hollywood and try to become an actor.
    b: I was, but my family talked me out of it.
  4. Is there any way I can talk you out of resigning? I'd really hate to lose you.

英会話レッスンCan we talk you into coming back tomorrow?