LAST RESORTの意味、最後の手段

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2006.07.12(Review of 2003.12.17 edition)

No, today's @Work edition is NOT about a remote vacation spot in the South Pacific!

Today's Lesson


  • A last resort is the only option you have left after all others have failed.
  • last resort は、他の方法が全て失敗に終わり、最後に唯一残された選択肢、という意味です。


  1. (a doctor to a patient)
    There are several kinds of treatment we should try first. Surgery should be a last resort.
  2. The CEO has assured all employees that he will do everything he can to protect their jobs. He would consider layoffs only as a last resort.
  3. Filing for bankruptcy was our last resort. We had no other choice.

英会話レッスンBerlitz WordMaster@Work - you can always count on us!