SEE EYE TO EYEの意味、意見が一致する

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2006.10.20(Review of 2004.12.27 edition)

Nope. This is NOT just another way of saying “eye contact”!

Today's LessonCATEGORY: イディオム
SEE EYE TO EYE   意見が一致する


  • To see eye to eye with someone is to agree with them.
  • see eye to eye は、相手と意見が一致する、という意味です。


  1. Although Bill and Tony often don't see eye to eye, they always treat each other with courtesy and respect. They're true professionals.
  2. JACK: This is important to me, Yuji. I hope we can see eye to eye on this one.
    YUJI: I'm sorry, Jack, but I just can't agree with you. I think you're making a big mistake.
  3. If labor and management can't see eye to eye on this issue, we may have a strike on our hands.
  4. I always saw eye to eye with my ex-wife about how to raise our children; we had very similar ideas about what was best for them. It's just too bad we weren't able to agree about anything else!

英会話レッスンHappy communicating this weekend!